Critical Thinking About Corona Virus A Way To Cure It
We think that if anywhere in the world the antidote of COVID-19 is ready we can use it in a better way by injecting it in atmosphere.
Using This Method:
As we can't afford the vaccine of corona virus of large scale but we can use small amount of it in a better way.
We observe that when corona virus starts its rapid growth in all over the world, in the same time a blessing of Allah comes in the shape of rain. All over the world corona virus is spread but not in Pakistan because it remains raining in Pakistan, yet after few days it stopped raining. From that day the cases of corona virus starts on increasing. Although most of them comes from Italy, Qatar, and other countries. But after few days it begins to rain, not much but rains.
We think that rain however can control corona virus. We need to contact with weather forecasting departments so that they can tells us when it starts to rains. About 2-3 hours earlier then the rain inject the COVID-19 antidote or vaccine in atmosphere in the form of water vapours. So when the rain starts it mix with the injected particles and falls on everyone, we need to call corona case patients to take bath in the rain of corona virus.
As rain is the blessing of Allah Almighty. So it can cure.
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As rain is the blessing of Allah Almighty. So it can cure.
If you think you have ideas or you think there's some changing or upgrading this. Write in comment or contact us in Contact Us.